Protokol yang terbukti didukung oleh penelitian dan pengembangan selama beberapa dekade
Oksigen adalah kunci kehidupan dan penelitian telah menunjukkan kekuatan oksigen dalam membalikkan penuaan. Kami memiliki Sistem Mandi Personalized Oxygen Delivery (POD) pertama di Asia Tenggara dan kami mengundang Anda untuk melihat sendiri teknologi luar biasa ini.
Pembalikan Hipoksia Jaringan adalah Buzzword Industri terbaru karena banyak makalah ilmiah telah menunjukkan bahwa kekurangan oksigen adalah awal dari banyak penyakit kronis dan akut. Tanpa oksigen bahkan selama 3 menit akan menandakan akhir kehidupan, bayangkan bagaimana memiliki oksigenasi jaringan yang rendah selama bertahun-tahun sel-sel kita akan terus-menerus di bawah tekanan dan tekanan. Ini pada akhirnya akan mengarah pada keadaan penyakit dan kompromi dalam fungsi organ.
Dalam istilah praktis ini akan menyebabkan Penyakit Degeneratif Kronis seperti Diabetes, Aterosklerosis, Arthritis, Fatty Liver, Demensia dan penurunan fungsi Otak, dan banyak patologi lainnya.
Berendam dalam POD hanya selama 40 menit setiap hari, dapat memberikan manfaat luar biasa yang dapat Anda lihat sendiri dalam 14-20 hari. Dapatkan kembali vitalitas muda Anda dan akses potensi tak terbatas Anda.
Dr Nadzri Mokhtar
Medical Director
Dr. Nadzri is a well-known anti-aging physician with more than 15 years of experience. He is Board Certified from the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine and is A Diplomate of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine as well as Board Certified in Integrative Medicine.
Dr Dalila Yusoff
Medical Officer
Dr Dalila is an experienced primary care doctor with a special interest in regenerative medicine and anti aging technologies. After graduating medical school from Australia she returned to serve the people of Malaysia before moving to private practice where she now works.
Dr Priya Reddy
Medical Advisor
Dr Priya has over 6 years of experience in clinical and academic medicine. She studied at the University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland and acquired a Masters in Surgery (MCh) from the National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG).
Dr Thomas Khor
Medical Advisor
Dr Khor has always been fascinated and intrigued by the newest medical-related findings in modern science and technology. His formal education started with Chemistry at King’s College London where he graduated with a MSc (Chem) and later obtained a Licentiate with Institut Kimia Malaysia. Dr Khor then took a medical degree at the National University of Ireland, graduating with MBBCh BAO.
Dr Suresh Siva
Specialist Advisor
Dr. Suresh is an internationally renowned Orthopaedic Surgeon who specializes in total joint reconstruction and sports medicine. He believes in the philosophy that “life is movement and movement is life”.
Dr Lee Li Ching
Specialist Advisor
The beating heart that gives life to the rest can arguably be one of the most important organs in a human body. The talented cardiologist, Dr Lee graduated from University New South Wales, Australia and moved to Singapore to continue on as cardiology registrar at NUH. She then completed her specialty training to become an associate consultant cardiologist at NUH.